
Cartridge Revival

Why a rental printer...? 
Why our customers prefer a rental printer. Below we briefly highlighted some of the benefits of a rental printer agreement:

Initial Cost Outlay!
High end printers, like the ones we provide, are expensive to purchase and maintain. Prices ranging from R 2 999.00 to well over R 50 000.00. Consumable, and setup fee for IT technician to install and configuration adds to the initial outlay costs.  At Cartridge Revival we provide all these services free of charge.  Upon agreement of contract, one of our more than qualified technician will install, configure the printer on all your computers & tutor you on printer functions.

Monthly cost.
Our rental printer allows your company to operate their office automation (copiers,printer) for a contracted monthly fee as per agreed for the term of agreement.

Technical support and change!
Cartridge revival provide technical support service, ensuring minimal downtime. We will grow with your company, upgrading your printer to keep up with your printing demands.

Below is our current Rental printers on offer:

Click on any of the pictures below for more detail:

Required documents when applying for a rental:

  • I.D. Document.
  • Debit order.
  • Business information.